
In The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life, Parker Palmer writes:

Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness. They are able to weave a complex web of connections among themselves, their subjects, and their students so that students can learn to weave a world for themselves.

I'm not yet the teacher I hope to become, but in that aim, connectedness and sovereignty are the trajectory. I hope my students feel seen, valued, and honoured during our time together. If what Dr. Shawn Wilson says about ideas is true -- that they have agency and sovereignty, too, I hope the ideas that students and I convene around in order to learn, likewise, feel seen, valued, and honoured.

For more related to my approach to teaching and learning:

Along with my co-supervisor, Dr. Danielle Peers, I recently gave a paper on the role of access as a matter of praxis to nourish imagination at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociological Association related to what we've been learning about in relation to teaching critical subjects. An abridged version of the SlideDeck for that keynote is included below:
Citational Information:

Fawaz, N.V., & Peers, D. (2024, June 3–7). Access as praxis: Pedagogies to nourish just imaginations - ABRIDGED [SlideDeck]. Originally presented: Canadian Sociological Association 57th Annual Conference, Montréal QC and online. https://www.csa-scs.ca/conference/en/. Accessed online: https://www.nathanviktorfawaz.com/pages/4989.
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