
How can we live together with a little less murder?

In thinking about that question -- in holding it at the centre of all my work, I find myself curious about the ways power, threat, response, and responsibility circulate in our bodies, minds, stories, and ways of being together. I often wonder about how the things we can learn from our bodies, minds, and stories, can support ways of being together that are respectful and reciprocal. Right now, I'm working on developing tools and models that can support folks to train in times and spaces of relative peace in order to respond with clarity and kindness in times and spaces of overt conflict and dispute.

If we are research kin and the following language is meaningful to you, I am specifically interested in thinking about:

  • somatic approaches to processing and movement in relation to experiences of traumatic affect;
  • individual, collective, and institutional stamina for non-exiling practices of co-being and belonging that engage specifically, directly, post-pathologically, and responsively with abrasion, discomfort, conflict, dispute, hurt, and harm;
  • strengths-based approaches to athletic conditioning methodology that are grounded in culturally-relevant systems of meaning;
  • pedagogical approaches to support conscious engagement with (and intentional inhabitation of) one's axiological commitments and fidelities;
  • emergent, iterative, creative, collective, and speculative research methodologies.

Current projects include:

Select Academic Publications:

(for full list, please refer to my CV)

Journal Articles

Revisiting insider practices: Ethical considerations, practices and hopes for doing community work and narrative research in and about our own communities

T. Sostar, N.V. Fawaz, E. Trimble, T.O. Markarian, B. Noble

The Qualitative Report, vol. 29(12), 2024, pp. 129-150


An intersectional Foucauldian analysis of Canadian national sport organisations’ ‘equity, diversity, and inclusion’ (EDI) policies and the reinscribing of injustice

D. Peers, J. Joseph, C. Chen, T. McGuire-Adams, N.V. Fawaz, L. Tink, L. Eales, W. Bridel, E. Hamdon, A. Carey, L. Hall

International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 2023

Dismantling Historical Hardscapes: Unsettling Inclusion as Solidarity

N.V. Fawaz, D. Peers

Sport History Review, 2022


We become gardens: intersectional methodologies for mutual flourishing

D. Peers, J. Joseph, T. McGuire-Adams, L. Eales, N.V. Fawaz, C Chen, E. Hamdon, B. Kingsley

Leisure/Loisir, 2022

Book Chapters

Criply, madly, deeply: Salty cultures of the left behind (in press)

L. Eales, N.V. Fawaz, D Peers

B. LeFrancois, G. Reaume, I. Abdillahi, Mad matters: A critical reader in Canadian Mad Studies (2nd Ed.), Canadian Scholars Press

This garden is my home (in press)

N.V. Fawaz

R. Thawer, M. Khan, Queerituality: LGBTQ+ Muslims on mental health and healing, University of Regina Press

Conclusions and future directions (in press)

T. McGuire-Adams, J. Laurendeau, N.V. Fawaz, D. Uy, E. Bošnjak

M. Clark, W. Bridel, Social Issues in Canadian Sport, Human Kinetics Canada

When our survival is not given: The arts and athletics of remaining alive (forthcoming)

Peers D., N.V. Fawaz

Z. Avner, A. Jeffrey, L. Jones, Ethical Practices for Skilled Movement Behaviour: Post-Performance Reflections, Routledge

Myths of inheritance: Cardamom

N.V. Fawaz

R. Burke, In Between Spaces: An Anthology of Disabled Writers, Stillhouse Press, 2022

Knowledge Mobilization, Reports, & Policy

Changing the story: An integrated action plan for transforming our vibrant, interconnected, university community

C. Smith, L. Tink, T. Ira, N.V. Fawaz, D. Peers, M. Vinod

University of Alberta, Office of the Vice-Provost - Access, Community, & Belonging, 2025

Trans inclusion in sport: Countering misinformation with research

D. Peers, W. Bridel, L. Eales, S. Dixon, J. Gainer, A. Lowik, N.V. Fawaz, A. Greey, J. Joseph, Tink. L., J. Laurendeau